January 25, 2024

COF in the Carolinas

Through Catholic Order of Foresters’ Matching Funds program, member Greg Buehner fundraised for a high-priority landscaping and accessibility project at Blessed Sacrament Catholic School in Charleston, S.C.

With a new year upon us, taking advantage of opportunities to grow Catholic Order of Foresters (COF) is the objective of every member. From the early years, Catholic Order of Foresters’ mission – providing members with financial security and opportunities for spiritual, social, and charitable growth – has continued. This is exactly what Catholic Order of Foresters is doing all around the country.

At-Large Court 5000 members Greg Buehner and his wife, Christine, along with their three children Natalie (7), Nellie (4) and Ackley (3), have lived in North and South Carolina where COF has not had a large presence. However, many members have worked to keep Catholic Order of Foresters growing within their own family as well as give Catholic Order of Foresters a foothold of relevancy throughout the country to bring its mission to all existing and potential members. The Buehner family has tried to do their part to represent the COF in their parish and city through both school and community efforts.

Recently, Blessed Sacrament Catholic School in Charleston, South Carolina, where the family’s two COF-member daughters attend and their son will attend in the fall, experienced significant needs to protect the school building from constant flooding and drainage issues. Blessed Sacrament, now in its 75th year serving the Catholic community in Charleston, created an effort to mitigate the flooding through much-needed landscaping. Additionally, improving accessibility needs for students with disabilities made the project more impactful. Greg Buehner contacted COF’s fraternal department about opportunities within the At-Large Jurisdiction and utilized COF’s Matching Funds program to support finishing the project. Corinne King, the school’s principal, indicated that the project was a top priority despite limited capital funds to complete it. In addition to meeting accessibility and drainage needs to invest into the school’s future, the space includes outdoor classroom space and an outdoor prayer garden.

For Greg, who has been a member of COF for nearly 40 years, being involved in his local community has significant meaning. “Whether you are part of a local or state jurisdiction or happen to be in the at-large court, our mission to protect the families and resources of the Church for the next generation is essential. It’s exciting to have my young family protected through a Catholic Order of Foresters membership. We are investing in the next generation,” Buehner says.

Greg Buehner is hoping to support further efforts in the Carolinas as well as at-large courts around the country. His advice for members everywhere: Take advantage of the opportunities that are available to you and be creative. We should all do what we can to grow and protect Catholic Order of Foresters for years to come.

For more information on this story or idea generation for fraternal activities in your home court jurisdiction, contact Senior Member Outreach Coordinator, Kim Johnson, at (331) 229-5655 or ktjohnson@catholicforester.org.