In the 1980s, Catholic Order of Foresters (COF) began a proprietary lending program directed toward Roman Catholic schools and institutions. Since the beginning of this Roman Catholic mission-based initiative, COF has originated over $150,000,000 in loans with Catholic institutions, allowing for the construction and continuation of multiple parishes, parochial and college prep schools, and Catholic colleges and universities.

Catholic Order of Foresters’ loan program provides attractive loan rates, flexible terms and maturity structures, and low origination costs. COF takes pride in the relationships built through this program and remains committed to the institutions participating in the program throughout the life of the loan and beyond. Below are a few testimonials from institutions who have participated in the Catholic Lending Program.

For more information about this program, contact Vice President of Investments Michael Deering.

Seldom do businesses experience a relationship with a lender where the interests of the parties extend beyond the financial stability of a company. Catholic Order of Foresters has shown us what a business relationship looks like when the missions of the parties overlap in substance and beliefs. “Catholic values” means the same thing to Catholic Order of Foresters as it does to Notre Dame College Prep, our all-boys Catholic high school. 

In working together with Catholic Order of Foresters, we have experienced a growing level of trust and confidence to accompany our commonality of mission. Along the way, we have achieved financial stability. We are grateful for the business relationship, the mission relationship, and the personal relationship we have with Catholic Order of Foresters.

– Ralph J. Elwart, former president and CEO of Notre Dame College Prep

When I think of Catholic Order of Foresters, I think of an institution that has been a steadfast partner in helping us carry out our mission for many years. Like our college, they think in terms of generations. And they see our society not only as consisting of individuals but also of families—which the Church calls the fundamental unit of society—and as communities.

They understand their role in assisting individuals, families, communities, and institutions that will shape the future for our children and grandchildren. I have rarely encountered an institution—within or outside the Church—that I could recommend as highly.

– George Harne, Ph.D., former president of Magdalen College of the Liberal Arts

When I retired from the Navy after 30 years, I went to Yuma, Arizona, to help with the Yuma Catholic High School initiative. After fairly successful fundraising, it was time to look for financing. After pursuing many financing options, Catholic Order of Foresters was the most cooperative and less bureaucratic of the financing institutions contacted. They were also delightful to deal with.

After completing the high school, the bishop sent me to Saint John Neumann Parish which, lo and behold, had a building program. So again, I contacted Catholic Order of Foresters and they were again wonderful to deal with. Came time to build a parish hall and they were wonderful in helping us to refinance with really good terms, and we completed the parish hall. I wholeheartedly and without any equivocation whatsoever, recommend Catholic Order of Foresters.

– Rev. John F. Friel, Yuma, Arizona

Catholic Order of Foresters has been a great source of support for the parishes, schools and administrative offices of the Diocese of Tucson. They have provided financing for building projects ranging from new parishes, to school growth, to administrative offices to solar panels. In the process, they have furthered the gospel of Christ in countless lives and opened up new opportunities for children and families across our diocese. 

They understand the Catholic mission, which influences everything in their approach, from projects they will consider, to underwriting requirements, to terms they expect, to fair pricing. When we have in the past had a project run into difficulty they were understanding and flexible, a partner not an adversary, who only focused on the aligned goals of a successful outcome. We are very thankful for their partnership.

– Deacon Gregory Henderson, former CFO of the Diocese of Tucson

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