Product Disclosures

Whole Life

Genesis Life policy forms: ICC19-FLEXWL, FLEXWL-CA, FLEXWL-ND, FLEXWL-19, FLEXWL-FL. Available to those ages 0-85. Minimum face amount of $50,000. Not available in all states. See policy for all terms, conditions, exclusions and restrictions.

COF Basic Value Life policy forms: ICC19-WL, BVL-ND, BVL-WL, BVL-FL. Not available in all states. Available to those ages 0-85. Policy face amount of $25,000. Not available in all states. See policy for all terms, conditions, exclusions and restrictions.

Universal Life

Flexible Premium Life policy forms: ICC19-UL, UL-19, UL19-FL. Not available in all states. Available to those ages 0-85. Minimum face amount for those below the age of 18 is $25,000. Minimum face amount for those age 18-85 is $50,000. See policy for all terms, conditions, exclusions and restrictions.

Value4Life policy forms: ICC19-V4L, V4L-19, V4L-19-FL. Not available in all states. Available to those ages 0-85. Minimum face amount for those below the age of 50 is $50,000. $300 annual minimum premium. Minimum face amount for those age 50 to 85 is $25,000. See policy for all terms, conditions, exclusions and restrictions.

Secure4Life Single Premium Universal Life (SPUL) Insurance policy forms: ICC21-SPE, COF-SPE-FL, COF-SPE-ND, COF-SPE-SD. Not available in all states. Available to those ages 50-85. $10,000 minimum premium. See policy for all terms, conditions, exclusions and restrictions.


Advantage Plus Single Premium Deferred Annuity (SPDA) forms: SPDA 2011, SPDA 2011 AZ, SPDA 2011 CA, SPDA 2011 CT, SPDA 2011 DC, SPDA 2011 FL, SPDA 2011 IA, SPDA 2011 IL, SPDA 2011 IN, SPDA 2011 MA, SPDA 2011 MD, SPDA 2011 MN, SPDA 2011 NC, SPDA 2011 ND, SPDA 2011 NH, SPDA 2011 NM, SPDA 2011 OH, SPDA 2011 OK, SPDA 2011 OR, SPDA 2011 PA, SPDA 2011 RI, SPDA 2011 TN, SPDA 2011 TX, SPDA 2011 WA. Not available in all states. Available to those ages 0-85. Minimum premium is $5,000. Additional premiums not permitted. Earnings subject to income taxation upon withdrawal. Withdrawals prior to age 59 ½ are subject to 10% tax penalty. Withdrawals in excess of 10% of contract value within the first eight years of opening the annuity will result in surrender charges. Surrender charges are as follows: Year 1, 8%; Year 2, 8%; Year 3, 7%; Year 4, 6%; Year 5, 5%; Year 6, 4%; Year 7, 3%; Year 8+, 0%.

Advantage Flex Flexible Premium Deferred Annuity (FPDA) forms: FPDA 2011, FPDA 2011 AZ, FPDA 2011 CA, FPDA 2011 CT, FPDA 2011 DC, FPDA 2011 FL, FPDA 2011 IA, FPDA 2011 IL, FPDA 2011 IN, FPDA 2011 MA, FPDA 2011 MD, FPDA 2011 MN, FPDA 2011 NC, FPDA 2011 ND, FPDA 2011 NH, FPDA 2011 NM, FPDA 2011 OH, FPDA 2011 OK, FPDA 2011 OR, FPDA 2011 PA, FPDA 2011 RI, FPDA 2011 TN, FPDA 2011 TX, FPDA 2011 WA. Not available in all states. Available to those ages 20-85. Minimum premium $2,000 or $150 monthly bank draft. Earnings subject to income taxation upon withdrawal. Withdrawals prior to age 59 ½ are subject to 10% tax penalty. Withdrawals in excess of 10% of contract value within the first eight years of opening the annuity will result in surrender charges. Surrender charges are as follows: Year 1, 8%; Year 2, 7%; Year 3, 6%; Year 4, 6%; Year 5, 5%; Year 6, 4%; Year 7, 3%; Year 8, 2%; Year 9+, 0%.


Accelerated Death Benefit Rider forms: ICC17-ABR, ABR-17, ABR-UL17(CA), ICC19-ABR-TRAD, ABR20-TRAD, ABR20-TRAD-FL. Not available in all states. Accelerated Death Benefit rider allows the policy owner to access up to 50% of the sum insured of the policy in the case of a terminal illness that will result in the insured’s death in 12 months or less up to a maximum of $500,000. The accelerated death benefit amount will be reduced by any unpaid or due premium, the pro-rated amount of any outstanding policy loans and unpaid loan interest, a 12-month actuarial discount, and a $100 administrative expense charge. Accelerated death benefit will reduce the policy’s death benefit and cash value. Receipt of accelerated death benefit may affect the recipient’s eligibility for public assistance programs. Please speak to your tax advisor for more information. Product available on Flexible Premium Life, Value4Life, Secure4Life SPUL, Genesis Life, and COF Basic Value Life. See rider for all terms, conditions, exclusions and restrictions.

Accidental Death Benefit Rider forms: ICC17-ADR-UL, ADR-UL17, ADR-UL17(CA), ADR-UL17(DC), ADR-UL17(SD). Not available in all states. Available to those ages 18-55. The Accidental Death Benefit rider pays an additional benefit if the insured’s death results from a covered accident. Benefit is equal and in addition to the specified amount shown in policy but will not exceed $500,000. Insured’s death must have occurred within 180 days of covered accident for beneficiary to receive benefit. Accidental Death coverage ends on the policy anniversary after the insured turns age 65. Rider available on Flexible Premium Life and Value4Life. See rider for all terms, conditions, exclusions and restrictions.

Additional Paid-Up Life Insurance Rider forms: ICC19-PUA-FLEX, PUA-FLEX19, PUA-FLEX19-FL. Not available in all states. Additional Paid-Up Life Insurance Rider purchases additional paid-up life insurance on the life of the insured. Rider available on Genesis Life. See rider for all terms, conditions, exclusions and restrictions.

Chronic Illness Rider (Secure4Life) forms: ICC20-ADB-CI, ADBR-CI. Not available in all states. Rider allows owner to access a portion of the base policy’s death benefit in the event of a diagnosis of chronic illness, as defined in the rider, by a licensed medical physician. Annual limits apply. Acceleration of death benefit for chronic illness will reduce the base policy’s death benefit and cash value. Receipt of accelerated death benefit may affect the recipient’s eligibility for public assistance programs. Please speak to your tax advisor for more information. Available to those ages 50 to 79. Rider available on Secure4Life Single Premium Universal Life. See rider for all terms, conditions, exclusions and restrictions.

Chronic Illness Rider (Genesis Life) forms: ICC23-CIR, CIR-23. Not available in all states. Rider allows owner to access a portion of the base policy’s death benefit in the event of a diagnosis of chronic illness, as defined in the rider, by a licensed medical physician. Annual limits apply. Acceleration of death benefit for chronic illness will reduce the base policy’s death benefit and cash value. Receipt of accelerated death benefit may affect the recipient’s eligibility for public assistance programs. Please speak to your tax advisor for more information. Available to those ages 18 to 60. Minimum face amount $50,000. Maximum face amount $1,000,000. Rider available on Genesis Life Whole Life Insurance. See rider for all terms, conditions, exclusions and restrictions.

Disability Income Rider forms: ICC22-DIR, DIR-22. Not available in all states. Rider will pay the owner a disability income benefit for a specified period if the insured becomes disabled while the rider is in force. Under the rider, disability is defined as the inability to perform the duties of one’s own occupation for the first 12 months, and the inability to perform any occupation after the first 12 months of benefits. Disability Income benefit is subject to either a 90 or 180-day elimination period before any benefits are paid, depending on your selection at the time of issue. Disability income benefits’ duration subject to a maximum period selected at the time of issue. Eligible face amount for base life policy starts at $50,000. Minimum monthly disability income benefit amount starts at $500, maximum monthly disability income benefit amount is the lesser of $3,000 or 60% of insured’s gross monthly pay. Disability Income Rider is subject to medical and occupational underwriting. Underwriting class is based on the health condition, occupation, and risk factors of the insured and will vary. Rider available to those ages 18-60. Disability coverage ends at age 67. Life insurance policy and the Disability Income Rider must both be in force at the time of insured’s disability for the owner to receive disability income benefits. See rider for all terms, conditions, exclusions, and restrictions.

Disability Waiver of Premium Rider forms: DWP-UL10, DWP-UL10-CA, DWP-UL10-MO, DWP-UL10-NE, DWP-UL10-SD. Not available in all states. Available to those ages 18-55. Insured must be totally disabled for three months. The Disability Waiver of Premium rider allows for the policy’s premiums to be waived if insured becomes totally disabled. Terms of total disability defined in rider. Waiver of Premium coverage ends on the policy anniversary after the insured turns age 60. Rider available on Value4Life. See rider for all terms, conditions, exclusions and restrictions.

Fraternal Legacy Rider Eligible face for the Fraternal Legacy Rider starts at $50,000. Fraternal Legacy Rider benefit equal to 5.0% of the eligible policy face amount. Amount payable to Charitable Beneficiary shall not exceed $250,000. Catholic charity must meet criteria as a qualified Charitable Beneficiary: must be a Catholic/nonprofit organization whose principles are consistent with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Must also be considered exempt from federal taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and eligible under Section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code as an authorized recipient of charitable contributions. Not available in all states. Rider forms: ICC17-FLR-UL, FLR-UL17, ICC19-FLR-TRAD, FLR-TRAD-19, FLR-TRAD19-FL. With questions on rider forms no longer offered, contact Catholic Order of Foresters’ Home Office. Policy and Fraternal Legacy Rider must be in force at time of insured’s death for qualified charity to receive benefit.

Guaranteed Purchase Option Rider forms: ICC19-GPO-FLEX, FLEXWL-GPO, FLEXWL-GPO-FL, ICC19-GPO-WL, BVL-GPO, BVL-GPO-FL, ICC17-GPO, GPO-UL17. Not available in all states. Rider allows for increased death benefit to be purchased at ages 25, 28, 31, 34, 37, 40 or 43 without proof of health. Amount of increase is limited to face amount of policy. Available to those ages 0-37. Rider will terminate on policy anniversary after the insured has turned 43 years old. Rider available on Genesis Life, COF Basic Value Life, Flexible Premium Life, and Value4Life. For Guaranteed Purchase Option Riders on Genesis Life, Value4Life, and Flexible Premium Life policies, if two nonconsecutive option dates are not used by the policyowner, the rider will terminate. See rider for all terms, conditions, exclusions and restrictions.

Impaired Risk Rider forms: IRR19, IRR19-FL, IRR19-LA. Not available in all states. Rider will provide life insurance coverage on the life of a named child of the primary insured under the base policy who has an uninsurable condition but meets the following underwriting requirements for this rider: The uninsurable condition must be congenital or acquired before age six, the condition must have been continuous from the time acquired to the present, the uninsurable person must be a dependent child (natural or adopted) or ward of the insured under the policy to which this rider is attached, and the necessary documentation establishing proof of eligibility must be provided at no cost to Catholic Order of Foresters. Available to any child with an uninsurable condition between the ages of 0-35. Rider will terminate if base policy terminates or the face amount falls below $100,000.

Single Premium Additional Paid-Up Life Insurance Rider forms: ICC19-PUA-FLEXS, PUA-FLEX19S, PUA-FLEX19S-FL. Not available in all states. In addition to the policy’s regular premium, this rider allows for a single premium payment to purchase additional paid-up life insurance on the life of the insured. Rider available on Genesis Life and COF Basic Value Life. See rider for all terms, conditions, exclusions and restrictions.

Waiver of Monthly Deduction Rider forms: ICC17-WMDR-UL, WMDR-UL17, WMDR-UL17(CA). Not available in all states. Rider provides that if the insured becomes totally disabled, the policy’s monthly deduction will not be deducted. Insured must be totally disabled for three months. Total disability defined in rider. Available to those ages 18-55. Waiver of Monthly Deduction coverage ends on the policy anniversary after the insured turns age 65. Rider available on Flexible Premium Life and Value4Life. See rider for all terms, conditions, exclusions and restrictions.

Waiver of Premium Rider forms: ICC19-WP-WL, BVL-WP, BVL-WP-SD, BVL-WP-FL. Not available in all states. Rider provides that if the insured becomes totally disabled, the payment of premiums due for the policy to which it is attached will be waived. Insured must be totally disabled for three months. Total disability defined in rider. Available to those ages 0-55. Waiver of premium coverage ends on the policy anniversary after the insured turns age 65, unless the total disability began before the policy anniversary following the insured’s 60th birthday. Rider available on COF Basic Value Life. See rider for all terms, conditions, exclusions and restrictions.

Waiver of Required Minimum Premium Rider forms: ICC19-WRMP-FLEX, FLEXWL-WRMP, FLEXWL-WRMP-FL, FLEXWL-WRMP-SD. Not available in all states. Rider provides that if the insured becomes totally disabled, the payment of due premiums will be waived for the policy to which this rider is attached. Insured must be totally disabled for three months. Total disability defined in rider. Available to those ages 0-55. Waiver of required minimum premium coverage ends on the policy anniversary after the insured turns age 65, unless the total disability began before the policy anniversary following the insured’s 60th birthday. Rider available on Genesis Life. See rider for all terms, conditions, exclusions and restrictions.

Waiver of Specified Premium Rider forms: ICC19-WSP-FLEX, FLEXWL-WSP, FLEXWL-WSP-FL, FLEXWL-WSP-SD. Not available in all states. Rider provides that the payment of the policy’s specified premium will be waived in the event of the insured becomes totally disabled. Insured must be totally disabled for three months. Total disability defined in rider. Available to those ages 0-55. Waiver of specified premium coverage ends on the policy anniversary following the insured’s 65th birthday, unless the total disability began before the anniversary following the insured’s 60th birthday. Rider available on Genesis Life. See rider for all terms, conditions, exclusions and restrictions.

Catholic Order of Foresters, its agents or employees do not give tax, legal or investment advice. Please consult your tax, investment or legal advisor regarding your individual situation and specific circumstances.

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